Unofficial release 2.2.2 of the Xtend Maven Plugin

In my previous post I showed how to use the maven-xtend-plugin to compile Xtend sources within a Maven build. This worked fine in simple cases, but there was a limitation of only one supported source directory (the one configured by build/sourceDirectory property), see Bug#367914. Unfortunately already each Xtext project has already 2 source folders (src and src-gen), so this made the plugin unusable for Xtext projects and forced checking in the generated Java files. This causes terrible problems with version control, especially when working on a team.

In the meantime Bug#367914 was resolved, but only for the upcoming Xtend 2.3 (Eclipse Juno) version. This urgent bugfix was not available on a Maven repository. But I needed it for project Spray to finally get rid of the merge conflicts and delete the generated sources from the repository (issue#94). Spray is still using Xtext/Xtend version 2.2.1 and depends on public available Maven artifacts. Since the bugfix won’t be available from the Xtend project for the 2.2.1 release and Eclipse Juno is still some way to go I decided to backport the current 2.3.0 M6 sources of the Xtend Maven Plugin to 2.2.x and create an unofficial version 2.2.2. This plugin I have deployed to the Fornax Repository to make it public available.

For an usage example refer to the POMs of project Spray: pom.xml, parent pom.xml.

JvmType import check

Several Xtext based DSLs will use import statements that import JvmTypes, be them real Java types, or just inferred types produced with your IJvmModelInferrer. The check for a valid import might be simple, but here it is to just make it even easier for you. I just had the need to realize this to resolve Spray issue#113. Basically you need to get the IJvmTypeProvider, to which you gain access through the IJvmTypeProvider.Factory.

public class SprayJavaValidator extends AbstractSprayJavaValidator implements IssueCodes {
    private IJvmTypeProvider.Factory typeProviderFactory;
    public void checkImports(final Import imp) {
        // don't check wildcard imports
        if (imp.getImportedNamespace().endsWith(".*"))
        IJvmTypeProvider typeProvider = typeProviderFactory.findOrCreateTypeProvider(imp.eResource().getResourceSet());
        JvmType jvmType = typeProvider.findTypeByName(imp.getImportedNamespace());
        if (jvmType == null) {
            error("The import " + imp.getImportedNamespace() + " cannot be resolved", SprayPackage.Literals.IMPORT__IMPORTED_NAMESPACE, IMPORT_NOTEXISTS, new String[0]);

That’s all.

Xtext Content Assist: Escape identifiers conflicting with keywords

I have faced in Spray the situation that a segment of a package name of a qualified Java type conflicts with a keyword of the Spray language. Specifically you can refer to custom features with the custom keyword, and the referred type was in a package containing also the name custom.

When inserting the proposed qualified name this results in an error due to the keyword collision.

The qualified name is usually combined through a sequence of ID rules, which allows escaping an identifier by prefixing it with the ^ character in the case of conflict with a keyword.

For content assist it would now be useful if the inserted string would be automatically escaped. So here is a way to solve this.

My first approach was to override the completeJvmParameterizedTypeReference_Type() method from the proposal provider and modify the proposals through a custom ICompletionProposalAcceptor. Sebastian Zarnekow commented that the proper way would be to register a IValueConverter for QualifiedName. I tried to do so, but was not successful. Actually there is already an QualifiedNameValueConverter registered.

My next solution is now to subclass JdtTypesProposalProvider and pass a custom IValueConverter. The overridden methods just pass null as converter, thus do no conversion. I am reusing the QualifiedNameValueConverter here, since it does the necessary keyword escaping.

public class SprayJdtTypesProposalProvider extends JdtTypesProposalProvider {
    private QualifiedNameValueConverter qnValueConverter;

     * Overridden to pass a default value converter
    public void createSubTypeProposals(JvmType superType, ICompletionProposalFactory proposalFactory, ContentAssistContext context, EReference typeReference, Filter filter, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) {
        createSubTypeProposals(superType, proposalFactory, context, typeReference, filter, getConverter(), acceptor);

     * Overridden to pass a default value converter
    public void createTypeProposals(ICompletionProposalFactory proposalFactory, ContentAssistContext context, EReference typeReference, Filter filter, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) {
        createTypeProposals(proposalFactory, context, typeReference, filter, getConverter(), acceptor);

    private AbstractValueConverter<String> getConverter() {
        return new AbstractValueConverter<String>() {
             * Remove ^ character from escaped segments
            public String toValue(String string, INode node) throws ValueConverterException {
                return string.replace("^", "");

             * Escape segments colliding with keywords with ^ character
            public String toString(String value) throws ValueConverterException {
                // this converter will escape keywords with ^
                return qnValueConverter.toString(value);

This custom implementation must be bound to the UI module:

public class SprayUiModule extends AbstractSprayUiModule {
    public Class<? extends ITypesProposalProvider> bindITypesProposalProvider() {
        return SprayJdtTypesProposalProvider.class;

Now the inserted qualified type name will be automatically replaced.