Fornax MWE Workflow Maven Plugin 3.5.1 published on Maven Central

The Fornax Workflow plugin is a Maven Plugin that executes MWE/MWE2 workflows within Maven. It has been there for quite some years now, and whoever needed to integrate MWE/MWE2 workflows in a headless build was likely using it. The Fornax Platform has been an address where components around openArchitectureWare, Xpand and Xtext have been developed. While all other subprojects don’t play any role anymore, the Workflow plugin is still in frequent use.

Over the years we had to change the underlying infrastructure some times. The plugin was hosted on the project’s own repository server, and projects using the plugin had to configure an additional plugin repository either in their POMs or settings.xml. This was undesired, but at the end not really a blocker. However, with a recent change of the repository manager, users experienced problems accessing the Fornax repository Currently, this URL is redirected to a server hosted at itemis, and users might get problems with the HTTPS connection.

It always bothered me that we had to host this plugin on a separate repository, and since it is a widely used component, it is logical that it should be available from the Central repository. But it was never a blocker for me. Now finally I got the driver to change this.

Long story short, the plugin is now published at Maven Central as version 3.5.1. I highly recommend to upgrade to this version and remove the Fornax Maven repository from your configuration. The coordinates did not change, they are still org.fornax.toolsupport:fornax-oaw-m2-plugin. I would like to change this sometime in the future (e.g. the name parts “oaw” and “m2” are not up-to-date anymore), maybe with moving development to another project hosting platform.

Version 3.5.1 does not differ much from 3.4.0, which is the version likely used by the world today. The main work was on refactoring the POM and its parent in order to meet the requirements for deployment on Maven Central. Further, I worked on automation of the release process with the maven-release-plugin.

There is one additional feature in 3.5.x: The new property useTestScope can be used to skip dependencies from the test scope for computation of the Java classpath used to execute a workflow in forked mode. On Windows systems the classpath sometimes reaches the limit of allowed command line length, especially since the local Maven repository is below the user’s home directory by default, which has already a rather long path prefix. By default, the plugin will exclude now these test scope dependencies unless the user configures the property explicitly. In 3.5.0 there was a small logical bug with this feature which made the plugin unusable, so please do not use that version. The version 3.5.1 can be used without problems for all using 3.4.0 so far.

Xtext 2.0 / Xpand 1.1 plugins available as Maven artifacts

It’s now one week after release of Eclipse Indigo, and with that Xtext 2.0 and Xpand 1.1. For those who use Maven without Tycho to build projects using these frameworks it is of course necessary to have all related plugins available in some Maven repository.

With the help of the osgi-to-maven2 project I was now able with some tweaks to create the necessary POMs and deploy scripts for the plugins. What osgi-to-maven2 basically does is to analyze the plugin manifests and create POMs for them including dependencies. The project is not maintained at the moment and has a problem especially with the parsing of the plugins org.eclipse.ui.views and org.eclipse.ui.workbench, which have some strange directives in the Export-Package section where I could not find documentation about. The underlying manifest parser from Springsource (com.springsource.util.osgi) vomits when parsing those manifests, and also upgrading to the latest release does not help. Time to open a bug.

Export-Package: org.eclipse.ui;mandatory:="ui.workb

Also the osgi-to-maven2 tool does not handle absent optional libraries so far.

The Xtext 2.0, Xpand 1.1 and dependent plugins are available at the Fornax Platform’s repository under the groupId org.eclipse.plugins.

Based on the deployed plugins it should be possible to setup a plain Maven build for Xtext 2 based projects.

Mavenizing the project structure of Xtext projects

The structure of typical Xtext projects does not match the standard layout of Maven projects. Xtext projects more adhere to standard Eclipse project layout, which means

  • manual implemented Java sources are in folder /src
  • the plugin Manifest is /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  • generated sources go to /src-gen

In my customer’s project Xtext sources are built with Maven, and also the sources produced by Xtext are produced within the Maven build, using the Fornax Workflow Maven plugin. Until now we have adjusted the Maven build to match the standard Xtext project structure, which requires some configuration in the build section of the POM like follows:


Now requirements changed and the project structure should conform to the Maven structure, which means:

  • src/main/java: Contains hand-written Java code
  • src/main/resources: All non-Java hand-written code (including Workflow and Xtext grammar)
  • target/generated/java: Contains generated code

Another requirement  from the build team is that the actual output directory ‘target’ should be configurable. This means mainly that we have to use properties that Maven uses to refer to the source and target directories ( and, so that the build could override just these settings by passing a system property and all output gets produced to and compiled from an alternative directory structure.

Of course this is possible with small changes, but you have to know where.

Xtext Generator Worklow

In order to produce the output of the Xtext generator to different directories than default (src, src-gen => src/main/java, target/generated/java) the MWE workflow file has to be changed. For the generator component we have to override the properties srcPath and srcGenPath. Further, these output directories should be parametrized by the same properties that Maven uses, namely and These properties need to be configured in the Generate<MyDSL>.properties with defaults.


  <component class="org.eclipse.xtext.generator.Generator">
    <pathRtProject value="${runtimeProject}"/>
    <pathUiProject value="${runtimeProject}.ui"/>
    <projectNameRt value="${projectName}"/>
    <projectNameUi value="${projectName}.ui"/>
    <srcPath value="/${}"/>
    <srcGenPath value="/${}/generated/java"/>



pom.xml: build section

The Java source directories also contain non-Java resources, like the workflow, grammar file etc. Normally this would go to the resources directory for Maven projects, but Xtext (0.7.2) cannot be configured to produce resource files to another directory than Java sources. On the other side those resources need to be found on the classpath during the build. This requires that we add the Java directories as resource directories in the build section of the POM. This settings already existed before, it just has been adopted.





The <sourceDirectory> entry is not necessary anymore, since the main Java source directory is now src/main/java, which follows the Maven standard directory layout and gets automatically compiled.


Xtext produces output into two projects – the grammar project and the UI project. Now if the generated UI sources are produced below /target calling ‘mvn clean install’ would have an undesired side effect. Maven builds both modules after each other, so when the UI module is built with the goals ‘clean install’ the target directory is removed and the previous generated sources get lost.

The solution is that the maven-clean-plugin must be deactivated for the UI module and the grammar module must clean the target directory for the UI module.

pom.xml – Grammar project


pom.xml – UI project


Eclipse settings

The new project structure affects, of course, the project settings for Eclipse. The settings apply for the grammar and UI plugin.

Change the source folders in the file:

source.. = src/main/java/,target/generated/java/
bin.includes = META-INF/,\

Java build path

Open the project properties and change the  Java Build Path settings:

  • Source Folder src -> src/main/java
  • Source Folder src-gen -> target/generated/java
  • Default outputr folder: bin -> target/classes